Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 4

We slept in and then headed over to Julian for lunch and roaming through the shops--it's a quaint historical mining town with lots of interesting shops.  We had a terrific lunch at the Julian Cafe.  Afterward while I wandered in and out of shops, Bill walked up and down the streets---but found time to buy me a beautiful angel!  We found a great used and historical book store in a small house in which each room contained a particular genre of books.  The owner was a retired high school science teacher and we enjoyed talking with him as we purchased an armful of books.  We then went back to the cafe for their famous apple and fruit pies for the dessert we had been too full to have earlier.

Day 3

Loved the resort and just being able to sleep in, read, and relax.  We went into Ramona to pick up the socks for Bill and toothpaste for me that I'd forgotten to pack. We had lunch at an unremarkable Mexican restaurant in town.  Other than that we didn't go anywhere or do anything--what a wonderful second day of retirement!

Day 2 of Retirement

Retirement Day 2

Bill and I headed to the Riviera Oaks Resort in Ramona.  We stopped in San Luis Obispo to meet with our son Douglas for lunch.  He and his college roommates had just moved into a new (rental) house in a part of SLO by the lake away from the college.  He has a larger room, his own bath, and a sliding glass door to the yard for Bayou.  We left after lunch and Douglas headed to the hospital for his treatment.  Unfortunately the five hour drive we expected turned into about eight as we hit really heavy traffic around L.A.

Retirement Day 1--8/20/12

  August 20, 2012 is the first day back for students so it is the real first day of my retirement.  I met Randi for breakfast at Scramblez.  We wanted to celebrate since we both retired at the same time, from the same school, and after having been teachers for 40 years.  We then picked up Cathie and headed for some serious shopping in Gilroy.  We went from Home Goods to the outlets with a short lunch break.  A great way to begin retirement --shopping and dining with two good friends!